Black and White Paintings.
When I was ten, my life turned around our black and white TV set. This dear mediator brought sweet smelling messages from behind the Iron Curtain. Although black and white, it filled my world with things impossible to see and touch.
When I was twenty, the TV programs run in color. Now I had turned black and white. Everything inside and around me had turned black and white. When I woke up in the morning, I woke to the day either black or white. If the “Today” was hopeful and white, then “tomorrow” fell to the black hole of depression.
When I turned thirty, black and white stepped closer to each other. The contrasts faded and they started to live peacefully side by side. I learned that black shadow forms only with white light, and I felt more at home in this world.
By Forty black and white became classy and chic. They are no longer the two extremes, but a harmonious mix of thousand shades. As Coco Chanel puts it:
“Women think of all colors except the absence of color. I have said that black has it all. White too. Their beauty is absolute. It is the perfect harmony.”
See my black and white paintings.
Kui ma olin kümme, ehtis me tumepruuni elutuba mustadel koonusjalgadel seisev televiisor. See kallis seltsiline vestis piiritaguseid mustvalgeid lugusid. Tõi tuppa asjad mida käega katsuda ei saanud ja ninaga nuusutada polnud võimalik.
Kui olin kakskümmend oli mustvalge pildimasin värviliseks saanud. Mina ise olin muutunud kontrastseks – mustvalgeks. Kõik mu sees ja ümber oli must ja valge. Iga hommikul ärkasin kas musta või valgesse päeva. Kui “täna” oli lootusrikkalt valge, siis “homme” valas üle musta masendusega. Neil päevil kiilus ka sinine musta ja valge sisse.
Kui ma sain kolmkümmend nihkusid must ja valge teineteisele väga lähedale. Kontrastid mahenesid ja must ja valge elasid sõbralikult teineteise kõrval. Sain aru, et must vari on valge valguse osa ja tundsin end selles maailmas kodusemalt.
Neljakümneselt on mustvalge saanud harmooniliseks klassikaks millel on cocochanellik mekk. Must ja valge pole enam kaks äärmust, vaid harmooniline tuhande tooni sulam. Klassiku sõnadega:
“Women think of all colors except the absence of color. I have said that black has it all. White too. Their beauty is absolute. It is the perfect harmony.”
Coco Chanel